Vernon howard supermind page
Vernon howard supermind page

Whatever happens to you, act as though it happened to someone else. The Supermind teaches us to have no self-concern at all. That is the entire secret for abolishing fear. Freedom begins as we become conscious of it.It is a true miracle when a man finally sees himself as his only opposition.Learn to see things as they really are, not as we imagine they are.All we have to do is to receive what we are given…We are given the naturalness to love someone, to be calm in crisis, to ignore self-defeating suggestions, to be pleasant, forgiving, tender, helpful, unworried, brave, energetic.Your goal is to nourish it into greater strength. That self is the Supermind, which is never upset by anything. There exists a special self which takes every event as if it were the very thing you wanted to happen.You can crash through… whenever we see a negative state, that is where we can destroy it. Quit thinking that you must halt before the barrier of inner negativity.Remember above all that mental stability comes by examining the contents of the mind, not by avoidance.Example: Refuse to go along with the crowd. Do you act naturally or do you act because you feel compelled? If you feel compelled, stop. Can you observe the many things you do because you reluctantly feel you should or must? Watch closely. Have the daring to stop doing the things you really don’t want to do.Truth is not a matter of personal viewpoint.A personal experience, in which we are happy and healthy human beings. An intuitive grasp of Truth, above and beyond intellectual reasoning. Insight into an entirely new world of living. An advanced state of inner enlightenment. How would you think toward yourself if you knew you were really all right? Think like that. How would your react to so-called misfortune if you saw its inability to bother you? React like that. How would you behave toward other people if you realized their powerlessness to hurt you? Behave like that. How would you feel if you had no fear? Feel like that.We are enslaved by anything we do not consciously see.We are exactly where we have chosen to be.

vernon howard supermind page vernon howard supermind page

If you blunder for ten years while thinking for yourself, that is rich treasure when compared with living these ten years under the mental domination of another.

vernon howard supermind page

No one can tell you what is right for you except yourself.We are slaves to whatever we don’t understand.A waterfall is concerned only with being itself, not with doing something it considers waterfall-like. A cheery relaxation is man’s natural state, just as nature itself is relaxed.This breaks their hypnotic and damaging hold on us. We must become acquainted with our emotional household: we must see our feelings as they actually are, not as we assume they are.Vernon Howard Right Ideas for a Right Day Quotes

Vernon howard supermind page